My Gosh

What a week. We are having floors put in the house and 68 boxes of flooring was delivered yesterday. The rule of thumb is the worse you hate your carpet the longer it will last. Well, our carpet is outliving the planet. When we moved in 6 years ago I had little doubt the carpet would last. Well, it has and I’m convinced it will never wear out. So this year on the budget horizon we decided to do the floors before the poor old mauve 80’s carpet wore out (it must be made of the stuff they make airplane cockpit recorders from). We chose a stranded bamboo that lends a great amount of character to the floors. It’s now parked in the living room and somehow between today and Wednesday, I need to pack up my belongings from four major rooms and store them.

I found this great online blog challenge for editing and had fun squeezing that in…take a look … Edit Me

These boys are wonderful and remind me of our boys when they were little. Here is my edit:

Onward to our saturday with moving, packing and cleaning! Keeping my heart quiet and my eyes upward!

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