We are all in this Together… and I’m glad

Whether it’s taking care of a family member or just listening as a sounding board for family or friends, it’s a good thing to realize we are all in this together. There are times when I get miffed at a family member for not saying what “I” think should be said or doing what “I” think should be done. In the end everything we do is a team effort. Whether we think so at the time or not, the alternative, being in turmoil without family/friendly support is unnerving. There are times I just get into tantrum mode, selfish mode and think “now why did so and so do this…” “they don’t think right” “they don’t do right”, when truly they are probably doing the best they can however they can. I have run across this quite a few times this past month. You know what I think it is? I think it’s God saying “hey, dummy down there…. be blessed, don’t judge, get closer to me, take delight, be thankful, be ernest, remain honest…. and never forget We are in this Together.”

Why I keep getting frustrated when I have someone more powerful than anyone to lean on is mystifying. I have the love of Jesus and the security of trusting him entirely. I think back to February, and by gosh there has been a multitude of turmoil — more than I’ve ever had in my life — but you know what? I AM closer to God. I have never been so certain of Him. I have never had the reminders of Him as I do these past months. When all is well, we tend to go about our business; when things turn sour we could blame or question why oh why this? why now? why…? ….Simple.. it is the plan. A plan that is so much larger than anyone of us. His plan is great, it’s awesome. It’s never been promised as easy. When things are easy we tend to get full of ourselves, don’t we? Turmoil is part of the plan; the lessons and the desire He has for us to become closer to Him.

I don’t understand how anyone can deny Him. I am not poking a stick at science or at non believers, I’m simply stating I don’t understand how they miss the Light. Sigh… So glad, So thankful I see His light. Four words…. guaranteed to bring peace if repeated from the heart “I trust you Jesus”.

I am so glad that even with all the squabbles, heartache, frustration that we have the light of God and I’m thankful for family. Squabbling, messy family….All in all… we truly are all in this together.

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