In a friendly sort of way

Today is staring in a friendly, kind sort of way with the white fluffy’s falling innocently, quietly and comfortably. We haven’t had much snow this year and the storm overhead right now is here but not intrusive as we had on saturday. Today it is snowing but not violently. It’s the kind of day you want to stay home and make soup.

Today is mom’s first chemo day. Another storm overhead for her and our family. The day arrived in the same manner, unobtrusive, quietly almost as if to say “come on this won’t hurt a bit” I pray it doesn’t. They tell us it will take 3 weeks to start losing hair and all mom could say was “good thing I’m not vain”. She has stocked her extra bedroom with hats and we’ve promised to look at wigs for her. It’s too cold for an 89 year old lady to run around with her head stark nekkid.

As I sit here and contemplate what we are about to embark on, what she is about to endure I can feel my teeth begin to chatter. My family probably isn’t much different than many; full of love, hope and prayer for our loved mom.

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