The Gift

Everyday is a gift. Yes, sister, it surely is. This was the wisdom my sister gave me yesterday during a low moment. We were discussing how depressed mom was that day. Kathie said to mom what a gift it was to have another day. All of us leave this world in unique ways but all the same! We come, we live, we learn, grow and we leave. We surely do need to treat each day as the gift we received today. Makes sense. We haven’t walked in mom’s shoes but we are trying to be more positive and upbeat and dealing with this challenge in a God Dependent way. I could wake up tomorrow … dead. Gone. With our Lord. Today, for me, for you for all of us, is a gift.

I was thinking this morning (at about 4:30 a.m. I might add) what image can I play with, texture, gather meaning, insight and gather therapy from. Over and over in my brain I kept hearing … “the Gift”. I had no idea what this image or photo would be and then I happened along to the fuschia’s I shot last summer in a small Washington town called Snoqualimie Falls. The fushia’s chose me. The minute I saw the raw image, it said “HERE I AM… THE GIFT” Ahhhhh how fitting. Mom loves fuschia’s. They were eyepopping pink, purple and bold. I just let the flowers guide my hands much the same way they spoke to me.

This is one photographic image that really made itself from creation to completion. Smile.

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